Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Doing it for these guys
        This guy, he is my husband, Damian. We meet 11 years ago. I didn't even like him at the time at all but somehow he got my attention and has had it ever since. He is the only one in this world that can put up with me on a long term basis( as he should be!). That's good, right! I tell you what if it wasn't for this guy I'd be nothing and nobody. I sure do love him even when I don't like him very much;) ha! ya'll know what I mean. Really come on now!

        These little goobs are our children Paisley Ann and Wesley Damian. Paisley was born on New Years Eve 2005. That was fun. And stinking crazy at the same time! Oh boy I will save that story for another time. Wesley, well he is his father x10! He has absolutly no interest in T.V. AT ALL! i mean come on sometimes I could really use a break man! But no of course I have to have one that gets into EVERYTHING NON-STOP!  I tell ya what if it where easy and I could just plop him down somewhere then really what fun would that be. Hmmm oh wait that would be Paisley she is a couch potatoe if I let her. It's wierd I have Wes who I want to plop down and Paisley who I have to beg to go play. Hmmm!
        And then theirs this guy! Kyle my first born. I had him when I was 17, right after I left my foster home I got pregnant. Somehow I thought that I could raise a child completely on my own. What was I thinking!?! oh boy was he hard! I realize now why he was, the faults of being so young and clueless and alone in raising him. But we made it thru somehow ( Thank you God) and now we are taking teenagerism by the neck and holding on this wild ride! ( yes I realize teenagerism is not a legit word but I don't care, I;m using it!) The last 2 yrs have been kinda a blur. This guy has giving me white hairs already! He is super fantastic though and I would totally do it all over again ( although I would change alot of things) hehe. hey look I can do that its my blog life!

      Thus the interest in writing a blog. I want to kinda write to them from this point on. Give them advise that I could've used from my parents that I never got.  Show them the things that I go through to improve myself for their gain. My mistakes, my pain,my joy, the tears, the laughter. talk to them about all the times there was nothing more to do then to get on my knees and cry out to Jesus. and all the lessons I learned the hard way when I didn't do just that.  Maybe it will means something to them. Just maybe. So here it goes. hope its not to boring for you guys that read this.