Friday, September 2, 2011

What the title (Hand's Full of Good Thing's) means

     A while back I had a revelation about my life.  The story goes a bit like this.  I was getting ready to leave the house to run some errands. The usual diaper bag, purse, water bottle, came along with me but that day was planned to be an extra long day( I wanted to do a bit of garage sales) so I packed the bread, peanut butter and Jelly, a knife and a few more snacks. I also have decided to always have a little potty chair with me now because of the inevitable inconvenient bathroom break that comes when ever we are nowhere near a bathroom.  the first trip out to the car I loaded the potty chair. I went back in the house and grabbed the grocery bag of food and all the other things that I needed and opened the door again to go out.  Somehow my son Wesley (age 2)decided that at the same time his life could not go on without being carried to the car at that very moment.  So what else but pick him up too. Then my daughter Paisley (age 5) says " You have your hands full, Mom." I kinda snickered at 1st and then I realized that this was a very important moment for both me and my daughter.  I want to intentionally teach my daughter how to be a loving mother and encourage her to be exactly who she is meant to be at the same time. I realized that my response at that very moment could affect the rest of her life. I had a choice to make, do I make her feel like she is worth it or do I make her feel responsible for making my life more difficult. I choose for what I hope to live by from this point on. I said "Sweetie, I sure do have my hand's full, I've got my hand's full of good thing's, and I wouldn't want it any other way." 
       The smile on her face let me know I choose the right words and that she felt loved and never a burden to me. her response was even greater. She laughed and said " I love you, Mom." Yes she loves me. ME! I'm the luckiest woman alive! She doesn't remember or even care of all the dumb mistakes I have made or all the dumb things I've said before that. Because she forgave me. She gave me GRACE. The littlest ones are the best at giving grace freely and perfectly. If we could all step back and take a lesson on grace from our kids what a different world we would live in. 

       So this "Hand's Full of Good Thing's" is now MY catch phrase. This phrase is a phrase I hope one day my children repeat to their children and so on and so forth. Please use it with your little one's or your spouse or co-worker/boss even. Let me know what kind of response you got when you said it even if it wasn't received well I say keep it up and see if things change down the line. 

    And to my kiddos. I'm sure you will witness me on many off days to come but always no that I loved you with all my heart. You guys have taught me more about what I am capable of then an other person in this world. You have loved me through all my falling shorts and I thank you for your Grace.