Thursday, October 6, 2011

Unexpected surprises and Homeschooling follies

So last week had many ups and many sideways curve ball's.  First thing that we focused on was the installation of our new wood burning stove.  Now take in that we like to do things on our own(or so we think)and so of course without any knowledge of what we are doing we jumped right in. lol! We did pretty good until it came to the chimney pipe. "UHG!" After 2 extra trips to Topeka Seed and Stove we finally got all the parts we needed. On top of all this I was feeling unusually tired. Can I say "UHG!" again? Now that we had all our parts it was time to put it all together. Then Damian loses the instructions. "REALLY?" A 2 hour search of the house and nothing. Then another 2 hour search on-line and still no luck. "COME ON! " The progress has been on hiatus since Monday:( But the upside is that it's been absolutely beautiful outside since! Thank you Lord!
On to this week. Monday was back to school.  I really didn't want to do it at all. I think I was starting to feel overwhelmed with the messy house because I was down 1 whole closet ( and anyone who's ever been to my little home, can understand my frustration). I had cardboard boxes taking up half my living room and toilet paper taking up the other half. This day is the day I believe I learned my most important lesson from my daughter( she teaches me a lot, sometimes I think she teaches me more than I teach her.) I was reviewing blend sounds as I do every school day, lu,ba, le, to, bi and so forth. She really struggles with remembering the short e sound. I kept redirecting her and telling her to keep focus. She just kept forgetting. That's when it happened(poor girl) I said in a not so pretty tone and to loud of voice "Paisley!, what is going on with you? Why are you not able to focus? Quit fidgeting and getting distracted and let's do this." okay I certainly did not when Best mommy award for that performance. Thank God she has more Grace and Mercy in her then most people I know. I really didn't stop even then to think about what just took place. It wasn't till later that night when I have my quiet time that I even thought about it again. I was reading the bible in Galatians and read" If we live in the Spirit, let us walk in the Spirit." I meditated on my day and asked God, did I walk in the Spirit that day. "no!" "Oh Lord forgive me!" i then realized again how incredibly lucky I am to have the daughter I have. I then also saw that she wasn't failing in learning but I was failing in teaching her. She is the smartest little thing I know so far. She is only supposed to be in Kindergarten but she whipped through it last year and is flying through 1st grade this year and reading 4 letter words already:) and I still think I'm holding her back from all she can do. I'm so very proud of her. I am still being moved into a new direction with this lesson. And to end the night the thought that I might have to buy a pregnancy test popped in my head. "EEEEKKK!"
Tuesday; left and went to Dollar Tree to buy 2 $1 pregnancy test.
Then went to the concord mall to Carson's to exchange Paisley's new snow pants for a bigger size.
Meet my mom there to celebrate her new job and buy shoes!
I then topped her cake with new grandchild flavored icing. lol! That was fun.
Went home played on bikes with kids outside cause it was beautiful outside.
Laid Wesley down for his nap.
Then I had to pee.........
Then i took it again just to make sure. Who wouldn't. lol!

That was just the 1st 2 days of this week! It's of course been amazing ever since. I'm so excited to have another child in my life. I have found more freedom because of them then I would've if they weren't here. Sometimes I here people say things like " I like my freedom now that my kids are older or I like only have one kid. I can do so much more.  But I just don't get it. I guess I say good for them but for me and my husband we feel our children are more the reason to live and serve for the eternal and put away living for the superficial. " As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." I'm not saying any one's wrong or any one's right. I'm jut saying what I'm called to do.
So anyway, lots and lots have been going on in the Yoder house like always! Please pray for us and this new child of ours. Pray God keeps teaching and leading us. That we get rid of selfish and self-centered desires.( "And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us walk in the Spirit. Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another.) Gal 5:24-26